The EMC-LM project is a successful outcome of the European MOOC Consortium, combining the world of education and training (universities, platforms) and the world of work (Public Employment Services, companies, sectoral organisations).

Project summary

MOOCs and digital continuous education offer a flexible, scalable solution for a European response to economic needs, keeping workforce skills current and preparing for future careers.

The European MOOC Consortium (EMC) aims to better connect with the labor market by collaborating with Public Employment Services (PES), companies, and sectoral organizations. This partnership spans the worlds of work and education, demonstrating the collective role of MOOC platforms, universities, PES, and companies in the labor market. They collaborate on MOOC development and delivery, enhancing continuous education and training (CE, CT).

Additionally, EMC-LM will influence regional, national, and European policies for education, employment, and growth through proposed change strategies and action plans, aligning with the Modernisation Agenda and Digital Education Plan.


EMC-LM Objectives

✔ Strengthen the partners in the knowledge alliance by sharing experience and expertise on MOOCs and digital education and training

✔ Provide more a complete and high quality MOOCs and digital education and training for the European labour market

✔ Enhance the quality and strength of the European workforce in terms of employability, innovation and entrepreneurship

 ✔ Create a framework for structural collaboration on the development, delivery and use of MOOCs, meeting the needs of the EU labour market

 ✔ Implement a more structured outreach for continuous education and training and career development for the EU labour market

 ✔ Raise the competitiveness of regions and member states

✔ Bring the Modernisation and Skills agendas of the European Commission into practice

EMC-LM Results & Reports

MOOCs4U Portal

The MOOCs4U portal has been designed in the frame of the Erasmus+ funded project European MOOC Consortium Labour Market, which pursued the overall European Union commitment to boost employment opportunities and labour market relevance across all member states. 

This portal, MOOCs4you, collects the offering most relevant for our stakeholders coming from the following MOOCs platforms: FutureLearn, MiríadaX, EduOpen, FUN, OpenupEd and iMooX.

Policy recommendations from the EMC-LM project

State of the art analysis of MOOC provisions for the labour market (report)

MOOCs and online learning opportunities for the labour market (report)

Compendium on good practices in assessment and recognition of MOOCs (report)

Models and guidelines for assessment and recognition of MOOCs and micro-credentials  (report)

Framework for cooperation within the knowledge alliance (handbook)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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